
Embrace the holiday spirit with our WordPress plugin, featuring festive elements like Christmas Trees, Falling Snow, a Santa Pop-Up, Christmas music, a Countdown to Christmas, and a Christmas Schedule. Keep your website merry and bright throughout the season!

Features of Rs Christmas Ultimate:

1.🎄 Christmas Trees

Enable the Christmas Trees feature to display festive trees at the top, bottom, or both sections of your webpage, creating a seasonal banner effect in the header and footer.

2. ❄ Falling Snow

Activate the Falling Snow option to automatically add a gentle snowfall effect to your webpage. This feature can be applied globally or to specific pages for a wintery touch.

3. 🎅 Santa Pop-Up

Enable the Santa Pop-Up to display a beautiful Santa image on your webpage.

4. 🎵 Festive Music

Activate the Festive Music option to automatically add a music player to the frontend of your website.

5. ⏳ Countdown to Christmas

Activate the Countdown option to display how many days are left until Christmas. You can use it anywhere on your site with a shortcode.

6. 📅 Christmas Schedule

Activate the Christmas Schedule to display the Santa Pop-Up, Music, and Countdown on your website for up to 30 days or as little as 1 hour.


The quickest method for installing the Christmas Plugin is:

1. Visit Plugins -> Upload Plugin -> Choose File "rs_christmas_ultimate.zip"

2. Click "Install Now"

3. Finally click "Activate Plugin"

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. e.g.

1. Upload `rs_christmas_ultimate` unzip folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory

1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


Christmas Trees


1. Activate Tree

Select "Yes" to enable the Christmas Trees feature.

2. Tree Display Position

Choose where the tree banner appears: at the top, bottom, or both the header and footer.

3. Display Location

Select the specific position for the banner: either the top or bottom of the page.

4. Sticky Banner

Decide whether the banner should be sticky (fixed in position as you scroll) or not.

5. Display Type

Choose the type of banner to be displayed on the frontend.

Falling Snow


1. Display Snow

Select "Yes" to enable the Falling Snow feature.

2. Snow Type

Choose between 3D or standard icons for the snowflakes displayed on the frontend.

3. Maximum Falling Speed

Adjust the speed at which snowflakes fall. The default speed is 4 seconds, but you can increase it up to 1000 milliseconds per second.

4. Minimum Flake Size

Set the minimum size for the snowflakes displayed on the frontend.

5. Maximum Flake Size

Set the maximum size for the snowflakes displayed on the frontend.

6. Flake Type

Select the type of snowflake symbols you want to display.

7. Z-Index

Specify the Z-Index value to control the layering of snowflakes on the page.

8. Snow Color

Customize the color of the snowflakes.

9. Show on Page

Choose the pages where the snow effect will be displayed.

Santa Pop-Up


1. Enable Santa Pop-Up

Select "Yes" to enable the Christmas Santa Pop-Up feature.

2. Santa Flying

Enable this option to activate the Santa flying animation.

3. Santa Flying Type

Choose the specific animation style for Santa's flight.

4. Santa Pop-Up on Page

Select the pages where the Santa Pop-Up will be displayed.

5. Pop-Up Type

Choose the type of image or animation to be displayed on the frontend.



1. Enable Music

Select "Yes" to enable the Music feature.

2. Music Track

Select the music track to play on the frontend.

3. Display Music on Page

Choose the pages where the music will be played.



1. Enable Countdown

Select "Yes" to enable the Countdown feature.

2. Before and After Text

Enter the text to display before and after the countdown.

3. Countdown Type

Select the image to use for the countdown.

4. Shortcode

Use the shortcode [count-down] to display the countdown on any page or section.

Christmas Schedule


1. Schedule Active

Select "Yes" to enable the Schedule feature. This will allow you to display the Santa Pop-Up, Music, and Countdown on your website for a duration ranging from 1 hour to 30 days.

2. Before Days

Select how many days before Christmas you want to start showing the Santa Pop-Up, Music, and Countdown on your website.

Faqs And Support

Can't find the answer you are looking for?

If you have any questions that are which are not listed in documentation, Feel free to get in touch with us on support@therssoftware.com